Prepare for the anime adaptation of Sanda, the captivating manga by Paru Itagaki, the visionary behind the critically acclaimed Beastars. Produced by the renowned animation studio, Science Saru, Sanda is set to grace our screens in Fall 2025.
Creative Team and Cast
This adaptation boasts a talented team:
- Director: Tomohisa Shimoyama
- Series Composition & Script: Kimiko Ueno
- Music: Tomoyuki Tanaka
- Character Design: Masanobu Ishiyama
The initial cast includes:
- Mita Kazushige: Ayumu Murase
- Santa Claus: Hiroki Tochi
Why You Should Be Excited
Sanda‘s 100-chapter conclusion offers a complete narrative, ripe for an engaging anime adaptation. Anticipation is high, given Paru Itagaki’s proven ability to craft compelling stories, evident in Beastars. Furthermore, Science Saru’s involvement guarantees visually striking and innovative animation, as seen in their works like Space Dandy and Devilman Crybaby.
Stay Tuned
As the release date approaches, expect further cast announcements and exciting updates.